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Translation of family history records
Translation of family history records


Treasure your ancestors' stories – no matter what language they are in. If your family history includes documents in Danish, Norwegian, or Spanish, I will translate them into your language, enabling you to pass their memories on to your children and grandchildren.


By translating your genealogical records, I can help you turn your heart to your ancestors as you read about their experiences, challenges, and triumphs in their journals and letters. These records will often contain valuable information about other relatives as well.


My genealogy translation service includes the following:


  • Translation of journals

  • Translation of letters

  • Translation of genealogical records

  • Translation of baptismal records

  • Translation of marriage certificates

  • Translation of church books

  • Audio transcription and translation

  • Translation of oral histories


To order a genealogy translation, send me an email and attach a scanned copy of the document that you need translated. I will examine your files and provide you with an estimate. If the record is in a language other than Danish, Norwegian, or Spanish, I can bring another translator onboard.


Order your genealogy translation today. Click here to get started.

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